由經濟部工業局主辦之2018第六屆資訊應用服務創新創業新秀選拔決選將於107年9月27日(四) 14:00於世貿一館第三會議室(台北市信義區信義路五段5號2樓)舉辦。
The selection of the 6th 6th “Information Application Service Innovation Entrepreneurship” by the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior will be held on September 27, 2007 (4) at 14:00 in the 2nd floor, No. 5, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City.
In order to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior will explore the development of outstanding works and teams towards “commodification and business development” and foster the talents and technologies needed for the industry. In addition to the team presentation and award ceremony, VIPs from all industries will be invited to attend. To enhance the energy of innovative ideas in the information application service industry.
AccuHit is accredited by AccuCare in the field of medical care with a combination of AI artificial intelligence assistants and collaborative management mutual assistance solutions.
